Here we go Eagles!
Due to internet issues in town all virtual work is canceled for this week…see you at school Monday. Please help pass the word.
For those attending this weekend’s state softball tournament in Oklahoma City, please note the new bag policies for Hall of Fame Stadium.
And the Allene Gillespie Trophy for Best Parade Float goes to...7th Grade!
Congratulations to those students and thanks to all of our classes for their hard work on this year's awesome floats!
Join us for a Halloween Dance next Thursday, October 13!
Join us for all the fun and festivities this evening!
The send-off for the Lady Eagles will be at noon Wednesday on Main Street in Red Oak…like the street and show your support as they chase a ninth state fast pitch championship!
The 2022 Eagle Yearbook is finally here!
Copies will be for sale at the Coronation Parade tomorrow evening in front of the Eagle Ridge Store on Main Street (please bring correct change if paying with cash) or you can purchase from Mr. White between 7:45-9:30 am weekdays at the school.
The 2022 book is $20 and copies of past yearbooks are $5 each (subject to availability).
Here are your 2022 Eagle Yearbook Royalty Race winners!
Little Miss Red Oak School: Leslie Allen (PK)
Flower Girl & Crown Bearer: Harper Smith and Kayson Baker (K)
Princess: Brayleigh Allen (1st grade)
Duchess: Remi Rodeck (7th grade)
King & Queen: Trever Lyons and Anastasia Crane (Seniors)
The overall winning class earning free Chick-Fil-A is Ms. Ingle’s 1st grade with $2,665.00!
Thank you to our community for your generosity these last three weeks as you’ve helped us raise over $10,000 to provide a quality, affordable yearbook for you!
We’ll see you at the parade on Main Street Tuesday evening at 6 pm!
The 2022 Royalty Race is now closed! Money may still be turned in for tickets and the cash drawing but those amounts will not count toward a class total. Winners will be announced later today!
Mr. White is in the English room of the high school building until 9 am this morning to accept royalty race money.
Red Oak FFA brought home some awards today at the Tulsa State Fair!
Titus Montgomery, Champion Native Forage board, Champion Tame Pasture Forage board, Champion Native grass bundle, Champion Agronomic Herbarium cards, second place Agriscience fair board.
Ruger Parks, first place soybean bundle
Riley Sumpter, second place Purpletop bundle
Bella Muncy, second place herbarium card 9th grade, third place Tame Pasture forage board.
Mattie Vanhook, second place herbarium card 11th grade.
Chance Turner, 6th place Life Cycle of Corn plant drawing.
The Red Oak Johnson O’Malley (JOM) Fall Annual Committee Meeting will be held Monday, October 3, 2022 at 5:00 P.M. in the High School Auditorium. Parents/Guardians interested in the program are encouraged to attend.
Brackets are up for the baseball and softball regional tournaments! Red Oak will host the softball regional starting Thursday and the Eagles will travel to Wister for the baseball regional, also beginning Thursday. Get out there this week and cheer on the Eagles and Lady Eagles!
See You at the Pole 2022.
We will celebrate the end of the Royalty Race with our 2nd Annual Coronation Parade on Main Street next Tuesday, October 4, at 6 pm!
The theme for this year’s parade is “Playlist of the Year” and we’re asking classes to create floats defrauding music and/or famous musicians through the decade…parade lineup will be Tuesday, October 4, at 5:30 pm in the north parking lot of the school.
The best float wins the Gillespie Cup and that class keeps the cup for the next year, and we will draw for our cash prize winners from tickets sold during the Royalty Race!
Our FFA Opening & Closing Ceremony Team took first place at todays Haworth Jackpot and Bella Muncy claimed second place in the FFA Creed competition!
A reminder that all Royalty Race money is due by Friday, September 30, at 9 am…please allow yourself plenty of time to turn money in to Mr. White or you child’s classroom teacher as no late money will be accepted, in order to maintain fairness in the competition for all those kids that have worked so hard the last three weeks! (Please take in to consideration that we will be on a virtual day that day, but Mr. White will be at the school that morning beginning at 8 am.)
With a win over Crowder, the Eagles are district champions along with the Lady Eagles, who clinched their championship yesterday over Quinton…on to regionals!
A Tanner King double and a 2-run homer by Denver Hamilton make it 11-6 Eagles in the fifth!