Junior high basketball scheduled with Oktaha tonight has been canceled and rescheduled for February 3.
Reminder: tomorrow is a professional day for teachers and there will be no classes for students.
There will also be no school next Wednesday, May 1, so that students and fans may travel to the state softball tournament in Oklahoma City.
Due to a scheduling conflict with Whitesboro's district tournament, the final elementary games of the season tomorrow have been canceled. Well done to our younger Eagles and Lady Eagles on a great season!
There's still time to get your Kindergarten/8th grade/Senior cap and gown pics!
Follow the instructions below to order your and preserve those memories!
Pre-enrollment for the 2024-2025 Red Oak Pre-K class will be April 29-30 from 8:30-11:30. Please bring a birth certificate, current immunization record, and CDIB (Degree of Indian Blood) card if applicable. Pre-K is limited to 25 students. If enrollment exceeds 25 those students will be placed on a waiting list. Children enrolling in Pre-K must turn four years of age by August 31 of this year to enroll. If you have already turned in an enrollment pack with required documentation, you need not attend.
The spring JOM meeting will Wednesday, April 17, at 5:30 PM in the high school auditorium.
Our students are ready for the solar eclipse on Monday thanks to the support of Wilburton Main Street, Latimer County Tourism, and the Wilburton Area Chamber of Commerce!
As you all know by now Monday, April 8, 2024, is the date of a total eclipse. Red Oak Schools will be dismissed on this day. Schools in our area were asked by emergency management officials to dismiss due to the influx of people anticipated in our area of the state. We were cautioned against excessive traffic, cellular data outages, gas shortages, access to emergency personnel, etc. Hopefully, these issues will not arise, but we would rather err on the side of caution. We hope you safely enjoy the day off, and the eclipse.
Bryan Deatherage
Line Main Street tomorrow for our sendoff for our teams as they head to OKC to chase a couple of championships...it all begins at 1 pm!
Today we honored Cady Mae Ammons for joining an elite high school basketball club: 1,000 career points! Congratulations Cady Mae!
Congratulations to Titus Montgomery who has been named as an official candidate for the position of Southeast Area Vice President for the 2024-2025 Oklahoma FFA State Officer Team!
Mark your calendars: group and athletic pictures will be Monday, February 12. Please bring your uniforms to school Monday, and pictures will be available to order online about a week later.
Join us tonight for Senior Night basketball and support our school through burger baskets prepared by the employees of Farmers State Bank! Baskets are $7 and include a burger, drink, and chips...games start at 6 pm, senior night ceremony at 5 pm!
Mark your calendars: school picture retakes are Tuesday, January 30.
Friday is Homecoming at Red Oak!
Pictures will begin at 4 pm Ceremony at 5:30 pm Lady Eagles play first at 6:30 pm, Eagles to follow If you're a Red Oak alum, wear your letterman jacket to the game to show your school pride!
Red Oak will not be in school tomorrow, January 17, but classes will resume Thursday, January 18.
The high school basketball games scheduled for tomorrow at Whitesboro have been canceled and will not be rescheduled.
Sophomores will have the opportunity to visit KTC on Thursday to learn about educational opportunities available to them in the coming years...KTC is a great way to get a jump start on your career goals!
The water leak at school has been repaired and classes will continue tomorrow as scheduled.
Basketball is here!
Spirit Week 2023 starts next Monday, October 30, with five days of themes and dress-up that culminate with the start of the high school basketball season next Friday, November 3! Check out the Spirit Week and home game themes in the flyers!