Stay strong, stay safe. This too shall pass.
almost 5 years ago, Red Oak Public School
REMINDER: A combination breakfast/lunch for children 18 and under will be available for pickup at the north door of the cafeteria beginning tomorrow from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm. The door will be open, so just drive up and someone will bring meals to you. Please contact us if want to be aded to the list.
almost 5 years ago, Red Oak Public School
A message from administration concerning COVID-19 and school operations.
almost 5 years ago, Red Oak Public School
Still on for tonight!
almost 5 years ago, Red Oak Public School
While the rest of the world isn’t sure what to think right now, enjoy this and smile.
almost 5 years ago, Red Oak Public School
Wyatt OYE
A message concerning current health concerns and their impacts on education and activities:
almost 5 years ago, Red Oak Public School
Health - 03122020
All school/health-related updates over Spring Break will be sent through the Remind and/or Red Oak School apps only (both apps are free). Please do not contact school personnel directly concerning these issues.
almost 5 years ago, Red Oak Public School
Dear Parents and Families, You have likely seen a lot of recent media attention on the coronavirus. Please know that Red Oak Public Schools is monitoring the situation daily and installing additional measures to maintain a clean and healthy environment for our students and staff. There are things you can do at home as well. The following information is provided to help prevent the transmission and spread of coronavirus. The virus, like many other illnesses including the flu, is spread between people who are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet) via coughing or sneezing. The same good health habits that prevent other viruses like the flu, also prevent the spread of coronavirus and decrease the risk of getting sick: Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, with 60% alcohol, if soap and water are not available. Cough into a tissue or your elbow (not your hand), then throw tissue away and wash your hands. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands. Avoid contact with people who are sick and stay home when you are sick. Keep students home if they are running a temperature, they report not feeling well, or appear weak or ill. Consult your healthcare provider if you or your child has health conditions that put you at increased risk. Additional guidance provided to districts from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) on prevention, planning, and how to respond to coronavirus can be found on the CDC website. If you have a trip planned for spring break out of the country, please see the following guidance issued by the State Department of Education: Individuals returning from travel in any Level 2 or 3 country as determined by the CDC should self-quarantine for a period of two weeks. This includes students and employees. If you are planning a spring break trip out of the country, please notify your principal or supervisor so a discussion can take place on whether returning to school immediately is the right course of action. We all have a role to play in keeping students, staff, and families healthy and safe. You can help by staying informed, practicing good hygiene, and staying home or keeping children home if they have been running a fever or are exhibiting signs of a fever. We are committed to keeping you informed and working with you to keep our school community safe. Sincerely, Red Oak Public Schools Administration
almost 5 years ago, Red Oak Public School
2020 Eagle Track & Field schedule...go Eagles!
almost 5 years ago, Red Oak Public School
2020 track
School phone systems are currently down. If your child needs to make different than usual arrangements for pick-up, please message your child's teacher using the Remind app.
almost 5 years ago, Red Oak Public School
Schedules/brackets for baseball and softball events coming up over spring break and the following week...go Eagles!
almost 5 years ago, Red Oak Public School
2020 JH Baseball Tournament
2020 RO Slowpitch Festival
JH softball games today have been canceled.
almost 5 years ago, Red Oak Public School
Tyler Bryan has been selected as a member of the Oklahoma All-State Team in Academic Bowl...congratulations Tyler!
almost 5 years ago, Red Oak Public School
Tyler All-State
OYE send-off will be tomorrow, March 10, at noon. JH softball game March 10 has been moved to Wister, 3:45 pm start time.
almost 5 years ago, Red Oak Public School
JH/HS softball games have been moved HERE today, JH at 4:30 pm and HS immediately following.
almost 5 years ago, Red Oak Public School
Baseball and softball spring apparel orders have been extended to Wednesday, March 11.
almost 5 years ago, Red Oak Public School
The results of our mock primary for grades 7-12: Democratic Primary (9 ballots): Klobuchar 2, Sanders 2, Bloomberg 2, Buttigieg 1, Biden 2. Republican Primary (26 ballots): De La Fuente 1, Trump 23, Matern 1, Walsh 1. Thank you to all the students who participated!
almost 5 years ago, Red Oak Public School
vote button
First-time voters! #supertuesday
almost 5 years ago, Red Oak Public School
Tomorrow is Super Tuesday, and while Oklahoma participates in the 2020 Presidential Primary our junior high and high school students will have the chance to vote as well! Students can vote in a mock primary any time between 8:35-12:35 in Mr. White's room in the high school.
almost 5 years ago, Red Oak Public School
primary 2020
Forms for group pictures are being sent home will be Wednesday. For elementary athletics, have your student wear or bring a purple Red Oak shirt.
almost 5 years ago, Red Oak Public School